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LiveRamp makes it safe and easy for businesses to use data effectively. We connect publishers and advertisers and enable them to create meaningful experiences for their customers. Publishers can leverage LiveRamp’s people-based identity solutions to build a sustainable business model, all while preserving privacy and upholding consumer choice.

Measurement & analytics Open Programmatic Privacy compliance

First floor, Imperial House , 8 Kean Street, London, WC2B 4AS


Jules mcginlay

Jules McGinlay
Head of Marketing UK


Nora Schwab
Director Publisher Development UK


Live Ramp article image 1000

People Based Marketing: The Missed Opportunity for Publishers

Over the last few years, brands have increasingly turned to people-based marketing strategies to power their campaigns, however many publishers have lagged behind, acting much slower to tap into their first party data sets. As we enter the cookieless future, this roundtable focused on how publishers can maximise their authenticated data, the importance of creating closer relationships with advertising partners, and why it’s vital that a value exchange is communicated directly to consumers. Here are the highlights from LiveRamp’s discussion on People Based Marketing: The Missed Opportunity for Publishers.

Published: 21 Oct 2021

Marketing in the first party future publishers brands authenticated data

Marketing in the first-party future: publishers, brands and authenticated data

In 2021, the digital advertising industry is experiencing more change than at any point in its history. Increased restrictions on the use of consumers’ personal data, combined with the withdrawal of many of the third-party cookies and mobile IDs used to track and target online audiences, are forcing brands and publishers

Published: 07 Oct 2021

The fightback

Building the Future of Publishing: The Fightback

For publishers, only an existential global pandemic and economic crisis could have made business any more challenging. And that’s exactly what happened.

Published: 07 Oct 2021

Addressability in a cookieless world

Addressability in a Cookieless World

Reestablishing trust in the ecosystem

Published: 07 Oct 2021
