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We provide an audience monetisation solution for publishers, which allows to target 100% of consented audiences with cross-domain peristent data and non-consented audiences with greatly enhanced contextual targeting (contextual lookalike). We also allow retargeting, audience extension and audience measurement.


Audience targeting

(A) Proprietary cross-domain identity technology achieving cross-domain tracking of 100% of consented users; (B) content categorisation using proprietary NLP, sentiment analysis and entity extraction (categorises content using IAB and custom taxonomies and extracts relevant entities like names of products, services, locations, people etc); (C) on-device segment creation via federated machine learning, allows publishers and advertisers to create and target an infinite number of cohorts with extreme granularity.

The marketing tag listens to consent, creates a cross-domain perisstent ID and user profile which is stored locally; publishers or advertisers create segments which are given a unique alfanumeric ID; segment IDs are surfaced in local storage and passed to the SSP for targeting via direct deals or PMPs.

Publisher input

Install the Anonymised marketing tag, header bidding configuration.

Cross-domain first party ID

Proprietary (patented) cross-domain identity technology.

The publisher can access a cross-domain ID for all the domains it owns, for use in its programmatic or analytics software - no additional work required.

Publisher input

Install the Anonymised marketing tag.

Retargeting and audience extension

Similar to Audience targeting, but with in addition the possibility to target specific actions on a site (e.g. visit URL, clic button or other events) - allows publishers to find high-CPM audiences off site using interest or intent data.

Via our marketing tag, the publisher can track any event on its site and find its own audiences off site - no additional work required.

Publisher input

Install the Anonymised marketing tag, header bidding configuration.

Contextual lookalikes

On-device federated learning to create cross-domain profiles of consented users; federated neural network to identify the most common user profile for each URL and cluster of URLs (contextual lookalike).

When users do not consent to cookies, the marketing tag calculates the most likely profiles of users on each URL, using the consented users as seed data. It then ranks the likelihood of a user to be on that page - massively improving the performance of contextual advertising.

Publisher input

Install the Anonymised marketing tag, header bidding configuration.