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AOP Ad Quality Charter

The charter was officially launched at the AOP’s Inside Out Digital Publishing Convention on 1st and 2nd November 2017. The charter outlines terms supported by the AOP and aims to take the lead in promoting premium verified quality audiences and inventory.

The charter was officially launched at the AOP’s Inside Out Digital Publishing Convention on the 2nd November. The charter outlines terms supported by the AOP and aims to take the lead in promoting premium verified quality audiences and inventory. Covering many issues currently topping the digital agenda — such as viewability, brand safety, and ad fraud — the terms form best practice guidelines the AOP is encouraging the entire industry to adopt.

The core tenets of the charter centre on applying assessment and verification measures that will provide a better quality media for advertisers and agencies, while also delivering valuable experiences for audiences and enabling publishers to secure their assets.

The AOP is a founder member of the Joint Industry Committee for Web Standards (JICWEBS) developing independent industry standards and best practice for online advertising, delivering transparency to facilitate digital trading.

Whilst the AOP will continue to work tirelessly through JICWEBS to deliver best in class standards, it recognises that the industry must takes greater collective responsibility to deliver advertisers and agencies requirement for access to quality audiences and content through a transparent supply chain.

The AOP and its members believe that a transparent accountable supply chain is essential for the healthy future of the digital advertising industry and delivering a premium consumer experience.

This charter outlines the terms under which the AOP and its members wish to back and take a lead in promoting premium verified quality audiences and inventory.