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Truth, trust, and technology: Digital publishing’s most complex balancing act

Date: 26 Sept 2024 , 9:00 - 12:00
Charlotte Street Hotel, London

Our CRUNCH series continues to be supported by our TAB partner Google

In many ways, humans have always been living in a post-truth era; propaganda isn’t a 21st century invention by any means. But the speed by which misinformation and disinformation can be disseminated has increased rapidly, whilst trust in media organisations has plummeted. As generative AI continues to muddy up these already murky waters, what can digital publishers do to rebuild truth with both audiences and advertisers?

Join us at AOP CRUNCH to hear from industry experts who will be exploring how premium digital publishers can re-establish their brands as trusted sources of information, and putting your biggest questions to our line up of experts.

Here are just a few of the topics that we’ll be exploring:

  • With increasing fragmentation of the media landscape, how are audiences surfacing content and which sources are engendering trust?
  • What does it take to grow your audience in the midst of endemic misinformation?
  • As generative AI becomes increasingly integrated into the search experience, how can we ensure effective attribution and acknowledgement of trusted publishing?
  • In the face of the 24/7 news grind, how can you ensure you’re not disseminating misinformation in the rush to cover breaking news?
  • How publishers can be more transparent around their editorial codes of conducts to build trust?
  • What is needed to re-establish brand safe environments in the eyes of advertisers?
CRUNCH events are complimentary for all AOP members. Tickets may be available to non-members at a cost of £395 + VAT depending on availability. Places are limited and it is recommended you confirm your place as soon as possible.


CRUNCH is a series of four events where publisher members can come together with their contemporaries and the industry for

  • Collaboration to progress key industry issues
  • Inspiration and learning
  • Networking
